Fresh Media Works

Podcasting Guesting Services

Podcast Guesting is the “Secret Sauce” of building your brand!

We are  delighted to present our unique podcast guesting service, designed to connect you with tailored opportunities that showcase your expertise and broaden your reach. Through guesting on podcasts, you will be seen as a subject matter expert!

Podcast Guesting Services - Fresh Media Works
Podcast Guesting - Fresh Media Works

A Fraction of the Cost of Similar Guesting Services

There are companies out there charging as much as $20,000 per month to get you one or two guest spots in podcasts. That is crazy. Our connections with podcasters throughout the industry give us great access to an amazing array of shows at a fraction of what these others are charging. Each booked appearance will take $200-$300 off your Credit Block (depending on the audience size of that podcast.)

Here’s how our simple, three-step process works:

Step 1: Purchase a $500 Credit Block
Start by investing in a $500 credit block, which we’ll draw from as we secure guest spots on podcasts that match your interests and expertise. This block never expires and you can use it as fast or as slow as you like.
Step 2: Develop a Personalized Podcast Guest Speaker One-Sheet
We will collaborate with you to craft your professional Podcast Guest Speaker One-Sheet, highlighting your unique strengths and qualifications, and positioning you as an ideal guest for your target podcasts. (If you have yours already, we are happy to do a review)
Step 3: Collaborate to learn about your availability and types of shows that would be the best fit for you.

Ready to Move Forward?

Like what you see and hear? We have numerous options for you to choose from to help you win back time from your podcast so that you can focus on what you do best, create content. Call today and we can explore the best solutions.